Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de cleanse

to cleansepurificar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I cleanseyo purifico
you cleansetú purificas
he cleansesél purifica
she cleansesella purifica
we cleansenosotros purificamos
you cleansevosotros purificáis
they cleanseellos purifican
they cleanseellas purifican

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I cleansedyo purifiqué
you cleansedtú purificaste
he cleansedél purificó
she cleansedella purificó
we cleansednosotros purificamos
you cleansedvosotros purificasteis
they cleansedellos purificaron
they cleansedellas purificaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have cleansedyo he purificado
you have cleansedtú has purificado
he has cleansedél ha purificado
she has cleansedella ha purificado
we have cleansednosotros hemos purificado
you have cleansedvosotros habéis purificado
they have cleansedellos han purificado
they have cleansedellas han purificado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had cleansedyo había purificado
you had cleansedtú habías purificado
he had cleansedél había purificado
she had cleansedella había purificado
we had cleansednosotros habíamos purificado
you had cleansedvosotros habíais purificado
they had cleansedellos habían purificado
they had cleansedellas habían purificado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will cleanseyo purificaré
you will cleansetú purificarás
he will cleanseél purificará
she will cleanseella purificará
we will cleansenosotros purificaremos
you will cleansevosotros purificaréis
they will cleanseellos purificarán
they will cleanseellas purificarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have cleansedyo habré purificado
you will have cleansedtú habrás purificado
he will have cleansedél habrá purificado
she will have cleansedella habrá purificado
we will have cleansednosotros habremos purificado
you will have cleansedvosotros habréis purificado
they will have cleansedellos habrán purificado
they will have cleansedellas habrán purificado

I would cleanseyo purificaría
you would cleansetú purificarías
he would cleanseél purificaría
she would cleanseella purificaría
we would cleansenosotros purificaríamos
you would cleansevosotros purificaríais
they would cleanseellos purificarían
they would cleanseellas purificarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have cleansedyo habría purificado
you would have cleansedtú habrías purificado
he would have cleansedél habría purificado
she would have cleansedella habría purificado
we would have cleansednosotros habríamos purificado
you would have cleansedvosotros habríais purificado
they would have cleansedellos habrían purificado
they would have cleansedellas habrían purificado

Participio presenteAnotado
cleansing purificando

Participio pasadoAnotado
cleansed purificado

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